
Håfa Adai,
We are the Division of Aquatic and Wildlife Resources
We at the Guam Department of Agriculture’s Division of Aquatic and Wildlife Resources, Fisheries Section are tasked with protecting Guam’s varied aquatic resources including coral reefs, marine life and freshwater flora and fauna. The Department of Agriculture’s Division of Aquatic & Wildlife Resources does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, and age in the delivery of services to program participants and beneficiaries, employees, applicants and others.
Following the Conservation Heritage Strategic Plan our mission, vision and guiding principle are:
Working through partnerships to conserve and manage fish and wildlife and their habitats for the use and enjoyment of current and future generations.
Healthy, diverse, and accessible fish and wildlife populations that offer recreation, economic activity, and other societal benefits, in addition to sustainable ecological functions.
Society benefits from conservation-based management of fish and wildlife and their habitats and opportunities to use and enjoy them.
The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program (WSFR) works with states, insular areas and the District of Columbia to conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, their habitats, and the hunting, sport fishing and recreational boating opportunities they provide. The Division of Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program provides oversight and/or administrative support for the following grant programs:
- – Wildlife Restoration Grant Program
– Sport Fish Restoration Grant Program
– Clean Vessel Act Grant Program
– Boating Infrastructure Grant Program
– National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program
– State Wildlife Grant Program
– Landowner Incentive Grant Program
– Multistate Grant Program
– Tribal Wildlife Grant Program
– Tribal Landowner Incentive Grant Program
- Aquatic Resources
- Wildlife
- Kontra I Kulepbla
- Piti Pride Tepungan Wide
- Guahan Micronesia Challenge
- KIK It With Us Blog
- Guam Year of the Reef
- Educational Outreach
- DAWR Coloring Book
- DAWR Outreach Calendar
- DAWR Poster Images
- Help Save Guam's Reef
- Our Living Reef
- Species Fact Sheet
- Tide Charts
- Announcements
Guahan Micronesia Challenge
For more information, go to Micronesia Challenge’s Website. Read about the Micronesia Challenge, click to their fact sheet: Guam MC Brochure.
“KIK It With Us” Blog
Visit our blog here, “KIK IT WITH US”.
For more information visit http://www.guamcoralreefs.com/.
DAWR Coloring Book
To download a copy, click here: DAWRcolorbk.
DAWR Outreach Calendar
For our outreach calendar, click here.
DAWR Poster Images
Fish Identification Posters
Help Save Guam’s Reef
Tips to “Help Save Guam’s Reefs” click for brochure here: Ridge to Reef Brochure.
View “25 Things You Can Do To Save Coral Reef”: 25 things you can do to save coral reefs.
See the Poster: Click Here.
For Educators, please e-mail your presentation requests to jmdguam@gmail.com.
Thank you for your interest!
Our Living Reef
Our Living Reef project is funded through grant F-14-R-1 from the U.S. Department of Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Division of Federal Assistance, Sport Fish Restoration Program for Guam and administered through the Department of Agriculture, Division of Aquatic and Wildlife Resources.
Please use the website at OurLivingReef.com to view this project.
Species Fact Sheet
This link will take you to Guam Species Fact Sheets: http://dawr.guam.gov/DAWR-F&W_Fact_Sheet.pdf.
Tide Charts
For a printable version, click here:
January – December 2016: 2016 Tide Charts for Apra Harbor2
August 21, 2021 Field-To-Fork BABUI Registration (Click here)
For more information, visit our page.

Roy Gamboa
Deputy Director, Guam DoAg
E-mail: Roy.Gamboa@doag.guam.gov
Tel: (671) 300-7965

Jay Gutierrez
Chief, DAWR

Jason S. Biggs, Ph.D.
Assistant Chief, DAWR