
Hafa Adai! Welcome to our EDUCATIONAL OUTREACH page for educators, agencies, and all those needing aquatic resource materials.
Division of Aquatic and Wildlife Resources is in the process of developing educational outreach materials for school presentations, public presentations, and for other audiences interested in increasing their knowledge of aquatic resources.
The following is a list of presentations that our Fisheries staff can develop and conduct for various audiences, such as elementary to high school grades, college level courses, and the general public.
1) Fish habitat, such as coral reef habitat
2) Ridge to Reef concept, such as watershed management
3) Fish species knowledge and identification
4) Fishing rules and regulations
5) Managing Fisheries: Offshore and Inshore monitoring
6) Safety: Dangerous sea creatures
7) Fishing methods and their issues
8) Fishing clinics: Kid’s Annual Fishing Derbies – how cast, how to get ready to fish, what are the rules & regulations
9) Endangered species awareness: Sea turtles, dolphins, and whales
10) Aquatic issues: Environmental and Military build-up
All presentations are first come, first serve and is scheduled based on availability. Please allow 2-3 weeks for scheduling.Other aquatic topic requests are accepted.
If you would like to schedule a presentation, please call our office assistants at 671.735.0294 to complete a request form.
In the future, a teacher tool-kit, lessons, and education materials will be added to this page. Your recommendations and suggestions are greatly appreciated.Please call me with your ideas at Jane Dia, Resource Information and Education Officer at 671.735.3982 or e-mail me at jmdguam@gmail.com.